What is warranty tracking software?
If you are in the consumer goods business, you know that keeping a tab on warranty claims can be a real tough job. The reason is that it is not easy to keep track of all the products that you sell and their warranty details. This could be a painful task and the only way to make it easy is to invest in a warranty tracking software. But this also means that you need to hire a professional developer to make your application.
Today, however, several software companies offer a warranty tracking application that can be bought online. These applications work like a charm and they can help you track warranty claims with ease. Not just that, but they can also help you manage all your customer data in a simple and organized manner. So, the next time when you need to track warranty claims, you can simply check out the warranty tracking application that we have put together for you.
How does warranty tracking software work?

In many organizations, warranty services and claims procedures are typically handled internally and impact several departments, from the supply chain to customer service.
An advanced warranty tracking software like NeuroWarranty works by first replacing your paper-based warranty processing systems with a digital warranty management solution. Digitizing your warranty management process helps your brand by automating claims management.
A warranty tracking software allows you to handle all your post-sales support requirements from a single screen, thus saving efforts and costs.
NeuroWarranty's warranty tracking software gives you complete access to all your warranty data on easy to understand and customizable dashboards.
NeuroWarranty's smart Analytics dashboards can give you an idea of how your product performs across various geographies and demographics and where you need to improve. This data can help your brand make better decisions in various areas of your business.
What are the benefits of a warranty tracking software?

A warranty tracking software allows you to handle all your post-sales support requirements from a single screen, thus saving efforts and costs. But there are other benefits an advanced warranty tracking software can deliver for your brand like -
Improving your customer service -
Data can help you streamline your warranty claims service. Using reports from the analytics dashboards, brands can review the process at scale and figure out new easier processes. Analyzing the data will allow you to look into your post-sales customer service and find out which step the customer finds the most exhaustive and time-consuming.
Improving your product -
Track warranty data to find out what aspect of the product is triggering the most warranty claims. Warranty data not only allows you to save R&D costs but also allows you to use user-generated data to create an improved customer experience. Warranty data provides direct information about how and when your products fail. With this information, you can identify parts and systems that need improvement. Warranty data will also give you insight into what needs to be improved to reduce failure rates and improve customer satisfaction.
Streamline customer communication -
Customers, when registered for a warranty claim, want constant updates on their claim status, but ensuring that their customers are aware of their warranty claim's status is an expensive and time-consuming process.
NeuroWarranty's warranty management app, with the help of its inbuilt CRM, sets up a direct communication channel between you and your customers. The customer service teams can manage customer communication on a single interface with minimal effort.
Help customers track their claim status -
Advanced warranty tracking software not only makes warranty tracking easier for the brands but also enables customers to track and manage multiple claims at once. NeuroWarranty's warranty tracking solution allows customers to claim, track and manage multiple claims on a single screen. Allowing users to track their claim status, helps brands deliver an excellent customer experience and, at the same time, saves costs spent on physical customer communication and support tickets.
We hope you found our blog helpful today regarding the benefits of using warranty tracking software. The NeuroWarranty warranty tracking software allows you to access in-depth analytics of all your product warranties and the personal data of your end customers. If you have any questions about how to use our software or how it can help your business, book a demo according to your convenience here.