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HomeArtificial IntelligenceThe Scary Truth About AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Future

The Scary Truth About AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Future

We all know that artificial intelligence (AI) is gradually becoming more and more advanced. What we might not realize, however, is just how fast AI is developing. In the future, AI could become so powerful and ubiquitous that it completely changes the world as we know it.

As AI technology continues to develop, there is a risk that it could eventually become capable of matching or exceeding human intelligence. If this happens, it could have profound implications for the future of humanity.

Some experts believe that AI could eventually lead to the development of superintelligent robots that are able to think and learn on their own. These robots could potentially become smarter than any human alive, and they would not be subject to the same limitations as humans. This could make them incredibly powerful and dangerous.

Artificial Intelligence for short is getting a lot of buzz with the advances in its prominence and capabilities. There are so many potential benefits this type of software can offer for businesses, but it also has some dark consequences if someone utilizes it without thinking about how it might have negative side effects.

“Modern World is trying to humanize robots and robotize humans.”

So, at MeshPedia, we will discuss the scary truth about AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the future and how it may negatively impact you not only as an individual but also as an employer or business owner!

Scary Smarts Will Take Our Employments

Many people are worried that machines will take our jobs, and this is definitely true. In the future, machines will be able to do almost everything that we can do, including jobs that are currently considered to be “human” jobs.

For example, robots will be able to diagnose diseases and conduct surgeries. This means that a lot of jobs in the medical field will be replaced by machines in the future. The same thing happens with lawyers and bankers; they will soon be replaced by computer software programs.

 Your AI-based Self-Driving Car Might Kill You

If a car becomes self-driving, it will eventually be able to make decisions on its own. This means that the car could have the ability to swerve off the road, hit a wall, or run into a ditch in order to avoid any pedestrians One of the scary truths about AI in the future is that your self-driving car might be programmed to kill you.

A study released earlier this month found that one in five people who use self-driving cars believe that the vehicles will ultimately end up killing them, as programmed to do by their creators. For example, if your self-driving car starts veering off course, there’s the chance it may end up hitting something and killing you or someone else.

Robotic Killers Are In Usage

AI has the potential to do more harm than good. In the near future, killer robots may become a reality. Killer robots are a robot that is designed or programmed to kill people or other living beings.

Already, some countries are using killer robots in combat. China and Israel are two prominent examples of nations that have developed these types of machines. China uses unmanned aircraft known as drones to target enemy targets and bomb them from long distances. Israel uses tanks armed with machine guns and missiles that can track and kill targets on the ground.

Robots Are Learning Deceive Us

Recent advancements in AI have allowed machines to create fake news stories with the aim of influencing public opinion. Furthermore, AI technology is also being used to automate decision-making processes in highly sensitive areas such as security and defense.

In this scenario, AI can be used to deceive or mislead humans in order to carry out dangerous goals without anyone knowing about it.


As AI continues to evolve and become more advanced, it has the potential to detrimentally affect the job market and social stability. If we don’t start preparing now, AI may soon be able to do things like automate our jobs or take over some key aspects of social life.

In order to ensure that this doesn’t happen, we need to begin discussing and addressing these issues head-on. By doing so, we can help create a safer future for not only ourselves but for all of humanity as well.

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