Example Text
Praca w Anglii to nie tylko możliwość zdobycia atrakcyjnego zatrudnienia, ale także szansa na rozwój osobisty i zawodowy w otwartym, innowacyjnym i inspirującym środowisku. Wysokie wynagrodzenia, szeroka gama możliwości zatrudnienia, otwarte i przyjazne dla obcokrajowców środowisko pracy oraz bogata scena kulturalna sprawiają, że Anglia jest jednym z najbardziej atrakcyjnych miejsc pracy na świecie.

Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?
If you are unsatisfied with your coaching, reach out to us to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund.
As stated in Teachable's Terms of Use, Coaching IS NOT covered by Teachable's 30-day student refund policy. As such, we highly recommend that you add your own refund policy here.
How do I schedule my appointment?
Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.
Can I purchase coaching more than once?
Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.