Twinkas Clone

We are the foremost leading company strategies are increased upward day by day; our Twinkas Clone Script is playing a vital role with having successful multilevel marketing business. The most advanced featured Kiva clone script permits MLM companies to manage and maintain and run their hasty selling business in effective manner, it towards a successful way and you can earn and receive more.

MMM multilevel clone script provides help and get plan is clone of the most famous in the market. This script is simple and easy to understand, it has two plans that suits for everyone. By using this plan everyone can get benefit and obtain much support whenever you need. Our skilled and professional MMM developers make possible to interact with customers; this software designs are highly suitable for various international market. We are ready to help you to develop simulate, our clone software and android applications to all and offers development assistance for any kind of projects that you have. MMM has more secure, reliable and highly user-friendly, the web based software has provided with easy tracking of customers.

Twinkas Clone Script management

User management

Through admin panel the user can understand the overall user details and their commission cut off, members are able to recognize how much they earn the referrals.

MLM business upward day by day, Open Source MLM Script plays an important role for successful multilevel marketing business. Our advanced featured PHP MLM Script enables MLM companies to manage and run their express selling business more effectively towards a successful way.

    Advanced Features

  1. The Following Features is important
  2. Auto match
    • When a package is selected user will be automatically matched with the same package user.
  3. If allow time expires, you will be matched, defaulting account blocked
    • Within 48hours of registration, another two member should match with current user else the account will be blocked.
    • Referral bonus, cash out when bonus is equivalent to your donation category.
  4. Donor must make payments within a certain configuration period for matching
    • Time period for payments should be managed by admin.
  5. Recipients of money must confirm payment within a certain configuration period of receiving money or automatically blocked from system
    • Upper line need to confirm payments of down lines else account will be blocked
  6. After a complete circle, participants have a certain configuration period to re-donate or have his account blocked
    • After 72hours the same member can re-join with same profileid
  7. Instant matching. (point 2)
  8. The system can match one or multiple admin accounts such that this accounts can be placed in a prority list to be on top of the beneficiary queue (that is how the admin makes his money)
    • Multiple admin accounts can be matched and those accounts will be in top of the beneficiary queue both front and backend will be fully dynamic
  9. Mobile responsive
  10. Configurable Amount Packages
  11. Membership plan management

  12. support ticket option (title(dropdown),message)
    • Support ticket management in admin side
    • User can raise a support ticket with valid reason
  13. counter (Total persons per package, Total Donations etc)
    • Statistics in user and admin side
  14. Configurable duration to make repayment, this is to make the system healthier .
    • Repayment duration need to be managed in admin side
  15. referral link
  16. social media integration
  17. Ability for admin to see all transactions including uploaded proof of payment image .
  18. Transaction management

  19. users are ONLY matched in their package category
  20. A beneficiary who is to get help (receive fund) can flag a donor as awaiting investigation the following occurs :
    1. if a donor does not pay and claims to have paid
    2. if a donor uploads fake proof of payment
    3. if a donor is cybegging (begging to be confirmed without paying)
  21. Content Management System to edit HomePage , About Us, FAQ and social media links.
  22. CMS Management

    The main site would be preferable to be a single page site with different navs


For use on any personal, commercial, or client projects.

Domain Usage

Based on your needs you can buy any one from various license types viz., Single Domain, Multi Domain or Multi Domain With Re-seller.

Payment Type

Onetime Payment:- Once you make the full payment, we will provide you with the entire script files. You have to pay nothing thereafter.

Delivery Time

We will forward the Download Link to you Within 24 hrs On Working Days(Monday- Friday) and within 48 hours On Weekends(Saturday -Sunday)

Technical Support

Will provide 3 months technical support for any technical issues.

Server Requirements

Apache 2.4.x, PHP 7.0, MySQL:5.7, Javascript, Ajax ,HTML

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