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Safety Products

As we navigate through the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19,
one thing that has become certain is the need for personal protection pieces.
As businesses begin to reopen, it is imperative that we all take the necessary
precautions in making sure our clients and shoppers are safe.

Custom Face Mask

Custom Face Mask


During this time we have developed two new products that will help bring an added layer of safety to our clients.

Our custom face masks are available in two sizes, adult and children. They can be fully designed using any artwork, patterns and colors that represent your team. The outside fabric is not only medical grade, but also has fluid proof components that provide added protection. With a soft, moisture-wicking inner lining, it sits comfortably on the face.

Our new one litre hand sanitizer is the perfect addition to your front desk or reception area. Not only is it Health Canada approved, but it’s also the exact recommended formulation 1 the World Health Organization backs.

We understand the anxieties and uncertainty of opening your doors back up. Let’s work together in offering products to protect us from harmful bacteria and viruses.